The orange-clubbed sea slug is a type of nudibranch. They are found on the lower shore and in shallow coastal waters down to at least 20m deep. They live on seaweeds such as kelp and also on rocks. Orange-clubbed sea slugs feed on sea mats (bryozoans), a colony of animals that live attached to the surface of seaweeds. Sea slugs are hermaphrodites - meaning they are both male and female. Orange-clubbed sea slugs lay thousands of eggs in a long spiral on seaweed.
What to look for
A small sea-slug reaching a maximum of 2cm in length, they can be hard to spot. They have a white body covered in bright orange spots and orange tipped stalks or clubs.
Where to find
Found on all UK coasts, except in South East England.
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Their scientific name, Limacia clavigera, means a slug carrying clubs. The orange clubs covering its body have different functions, including taste and smell. Some contain defensive glands which produce chemicals that taste nasty to other predators and stop the sea slug being eaten.