Ar gyfer addysgwyr

Children and families

Helena Dolby for Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust

Ar gyfer addysgwyr


Mae gennym ni bethau gwych ar gyfer arweinwyr Gwyllt, plant, athrawon a rhieni fel ei gilydd. Edrychwch ar ein taflenni lliwio, y siartiau wal, y posteri, y chwileiriau, y canllawiau sut i a llawer mwy!

Adnoddau eraill

The Wildlife Trusts are about to launch a new set of resources aimed at inspiring and engaging students about insects, the troubles they’re facing, and how action can be taken in schools to help them. As part of our Action for Insects campaign, we have created a series of learning sessions and other resources that you will be able to access online from 17th September to get students excited about insects. Check back here to find out more. 

"Nature's Climate Heroes" is an inquiry-based learning resource aimed at 7-11 year olds. Find out more here.

It's designed to support children to:

  • Understand the connections between nature, climate change and people.
  • Investigate how nature helps our fight against climate change.
  • Discover what small and local actions can be taken to give nature a boost in this bigger fight.
cover children outdoors

Eisiau mynd allan i’r awyr agored ond yn ansicr ynghylch beth fydd arnoch ei angen neu ble i fynd? Mae hwn yn gydymaith perffaith i chi! Bydd cyfle i ddarllen am bopeth o sut i gyffroi eich plant i ddathlu pob llwyddiant.

Lawrlwythwch eich canllaw am ddim

My Wild Summer

Your Wild Summer booklet is packed with ideas and information from The Wildlife Trusts to help you explore nature and wild places, either at home, on days out, or on holiday. We’re on a mission to keep families wild and connected with nature!


my wild winter

Mae misoedd y gaeaf yn gallu bod yn amser anodd i ddod o hyd i fywyd gwyllt, ond mae digon y gallwch chi ei wneud! Mae’r llyfryn yma’n llawn gweithgareddau, taflenni adnabod a jôcs a bydd yn eich helpu chi i ysbrydoli plant yn ystod y misoedd oerach. 

Lawrlwytho Fy Ngaeaf Gwyllt 

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Ar gyfer arweinwyr Gwyllt!

Os ydych chi’n arweinydd Gwyllt! ac yn methu dilyn y ddolen isod, cofiwch gysylltu

Chwilio am adnoddau a ffurflenni

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