Notch-horned cleg-fly (horse fly)

Notch-horned Cleg-fly

Notch-horned Cleg-fly ©

Notch-horned cleg-fly (horse fly)

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Enw gwyddonol: Haematopota pluvialis
The Notch-horned cleg-fly isa horse fly dark grey in colour, with grey-brown mottled wings and intricately striped, iridescent eyes. There are 30 species of horse-fly in the UK; this is one of the most frequently encountered species and also one of the smaller ones. Some of us have felt the painful bite of the Notch-horned cleg-fly (a 'horse-fly') while out walking in grasslands or woods, although it prefers to feed on the blood of cows and horses.

Top facts


Length: 1cm

Conservation status


Pryd i'w gweld

May to September


The Notch-horned cleg-fly is a common species of horse fly that lives in long grassland and damp woodland habitats. The females have sharp, biting mouthparts and usually feed on the blood of large mammals, such as cows and horses. The males lack these mouthparts, so feed on nectar. Females wait in shady areas for their prey to pass-by, locating it by sight with their large, compound eyes. The eggs are laid on stones and plants, or in mud, close to water. When the larvae hatch, they fall on to the damp earth where they predate other invertebrates.

What to look for

The Notch-horned cleg-fly is dark grey in colour, with grey-brown mottled wings and intricately striped, iridescent eyes. There are 30 species of horse-fly in the UK; this is one of the most frequently encountered species and also one of the smaller ones.

Where to find


Roeddech chi yn gwybod?

Unlike other horse-flies, cleg-flies are silent in flight, creeping up on their unsuspecting prey. Continuing their sneaky strategy, they usually try to get their meal before the prey notices the pain of the bite, the sharpness of which also distracts them from swatting the biter.