22-spot ladybird

22-spot Ladybird

22-spot Ladybird ©Jon Hawkins/Surrey Hills Photography 

22-spot ladybird

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The 22-spot ladybird is one of three yellow ladybirds in the UK. Look for it in grassland, woodland and gardens. Ladybirds are beneficial insects, managing garden pests - encourage them by putting up a bug box.

Enw gwyddonol

Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata

Pryd i'w gweld

April to August

Top facts


Length: 3-4mm


The 22-spot ladybird is a small ladybird found in a wide range of habitats, particularly grassland, woodland edges, towns and gardens. It feeds on mildew (fungus) on a variety of plants. The lifecycle of a ladybird consists of four phases: the egg; the larval stage, during which the larva undergoes a series of moults; the pupa, in which the larva develops into an adult; and the adult phase, during which the female lays eggs in batches of up to 40.

What to look for

The 22-spot ladybird is bright yellow with 22 round, black spots on the wing cases. It can be distinguished from the larger 14-spot Ladybird (the only other yellow and black ladybird) by its more rounded spots, which never merge into each other.

Where to find

Found in England and Wales.

Roeddech chi yn gwybod?

There are more than 3,000 different species of ladybird in the world, over 40 of which are found in the UK.