Boddington Meadow
A rare fragment of meadow rich with wildflowers and butterflies; a real joy to visit
2210 results
A rare fragment of meadow rich with wildflowers and butterflies; a real joy to visit
Bodenham Lake is an important overwintering and breeding area for birds and other aquatic wildlife, so approximately half of the site is managed as a wildlife refuge with restricted public access…
An award-winning urban nature reserve, in the heart of Belfast, for people and wildlife.
Three open freshwater pools surrounded by marshy grassland and swamp
Foxes, roe deer and stunning birds of prey lay claim to one of the largest remaining areas of ancient, semi-natural, deciduous woodland in the North West.
An old sandstone quarry, last worked in 1955
Bolgoed is an old sandstone quarry, last worked in 1955.
Nature has taken hold of this old station yard - bramble scrambles over the old platform, flower-filled grassland grows where once there were rail tracks and scrub growth provides sheltered…
Of the many former sand and gravel quarries along the river Swale, Bolton-on-Swale Lake, is one of the few that has been looked after for wildlife. It attracts a wide range and large number of…
The Bonne Terre is the largest valley on the island and slopes down from the South towards the sea in the north. This valley contains a small freshwater stream which feeds the pond behind the dam…
2210 results