How to make mini pond


You will need: 

A bucket, spade and sand
  • an old bucket or watertight container
  • a spade
  • sand
  • old bricks, rocks and pebbles
  • native pond plants that help with oxygenating the water 

What to do

  1. dig a hole deep enough to hold your container so that the top is level with the ground
  2. remove any sharp rocks and line the bottom with sand
  3. sit the container in the hole and fill the gaps with loose soil
  4. build a pile of rocks and bricks in the bottom, scatter the pebbles and add the plants. Fill with rainwater
mini pond

If your pond is big enough, you can always add other floating plants and native marginal plants. Water provides a vital habitat and will encourage lots of wildlife - from frogs and newts, to pond skaters and damsel flies. Your pond might also be a great place for larger animals to get a drink!

Mini pond

Drawings by Corinne Welch

Wildlife pond

Penny Dixie

Want to build a bigger wildlife pond?

Find out how on The Wildlife Trusts' website
mini pond

Celia from Kent Wildlife Trust built a mini pond on her patio

Watch her step-by-step video

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