Chwiliwch gan ddefnyddio'r botymau uchod - mae yna daflenni sbotio, canllawiau gweithgareddau, masgiau i'w gwneud a llawer mwy!



Birds of prey spotter - Welsh

Sbotio adar ysglyfaethus

Byddwch yn dditectif natur! Allwch chi dicio unrhyw un o'r rhain i ffwrdd?

Mamaliaid pori

Sbotio mamaliaid pori

Byddwch yn dditectif natur! Allwch chi dicio unrhyw un o'r rhain i ffwrdd?

Winter nuts and berries - Welsh

Cnau ac aeron gaeaf

Byddwch yn dditectif natur! Allwch chi dicio unrhyw un o'r rhain?

Festive wildlife Welsh

Bywyd gwyllt yr wyl

Byddwch yn dditectif natur! Allwch chi dicio unrhyw un o'r rhain i ffwrdd?

Spring flowers welsh

Sbotio blodau gwanwyn

Byddwch yn dditectif natur! Allwch chi dicio unrhyw un o'r rhain?

Autumn leaf spotter

Autumn leaf spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Welsh Fungi

Adnabod ffyngau

Byddwch yn dditectif natur! Allwch chi dicio unrhyw un o'r rhain i ffwrdd?

woodland butterflies

Woodland spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Garden birds detective

Garden birds spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Minibeast spotter

Minibeasts spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?


Finches spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

River bird spotter

River bird spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

A spotter sheet showing ten birds: carrion crow, hooded crow, jackdaw, magpie, jay, raven, chough, rook, blackbird, starling

Black bird spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Ten geese and swans to spot: greylag goose, Canada goose, grent goose, pink-footed goose, barnacle goose, Egyptian goose, black swan, mute swan, whooper swan, Bewick's swan

Goose and swan spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Marine spotter

Marine animals spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Hawkmoth spotter

Hawkmoth spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Insectivores spotter

Insectivores spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Heathland wildlife

Heathland spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Hedgerow spotter

Hedgerow spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?


Ladybird spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

Day flying moth spotter sheet

Day moth spotter

Be a nature detective! Can you tick off any of these?

A spotting sheet of ten wading birds. They are golden plover, avocet, curlew, black-tailed godwit, lapwing, common sandpiper, dunlin, little ringed plover, ringed plover and redshank

Summer wader spotter

Can you spot any of these waders this summer?