The Wildlife Trusts have created a set of incredible free resources to inspire and engage children about insects. These resources are designed for teachers and environmental educators to help children understand the troubles insects are facing, and how they can take action in school to help them.
As part of our Action for Insects campaign, we have created a series of learning sessions and other resources that you can access online here to get students excited about insects.
Whether it’s through doing a ‘great bug hunt’, creating insect homes in school grounds, or delivering a campaign to help insects, there are lots of ways that schools can make a difference and learn at the same time. Through 6 sessions, delivered as a series or as standalone activities, our guide will enable students to learn about habitats and encourage them to investigate their local environment, whilst considering their place in it and how they can change it for the better.
Each session has a detailed delivery plan and can be delivered within whatever time frame suits – from an afternoon’s lesson to a full multi-week programme. As well as schools, they’re also perfect for education staff, and could even be used by parents. Taking part in Action for Insects in schools or at home is a great way to encourage nature-based learning experiences, and for developing outdoor learning skills.
Want to take part? Sign up using the form below and we'll send all the downloadable resources you need to get started.
We'd love to hear from you! Let us know how you’ve been helping insects by sending your pictures, videos, and letters to, or sharing on social media using #ActionForInsects.