Phosphorescent sea pen
This colonial creature looks like an old-fashioned quill - that's where the name sea pen comes from.
This colonial creature looks like an old-fashioned quill - that's where the name sea pen comes from.
The variable damselfly looks a lot like the azure damselfly, but is much less common throughout most of the UK.
Freshwater pearl mussels spend their adult lives anchored to the river bed, filtering water through their gills and improving the quality of the water for other species.
The large white is a common garden visitor - look out for its brilliant white wings, tipped with black.
This comical little duck lives up to its name – look out for the black tuft of feathers on its head!
Look for the small, pink, pea-shaped flowers of Common restharrow on chalk and limestone grasslands, and in coastal areas, during summer.
Herb-robert is a low-growing plant, with small, pretty, pink flowers. Look for it in shady spots in woodland, hedgerows and coastal areas.
If you spot a crawling shell next time you're at the seaside, take a closer look… it might be a hermit crab!
Look for the deep magenta, star-shaped flowers of Marsh cinquefoil in marshes, bogs, fens and wetlands in the north, west and east of the UK.
This sponge is found on rocky shores around the UK and looks like a thick bready crust (if you use your imagination a bit!).
The colourful and delightful chaffinch is a regular garden visitor across the UK. Look out for it hopping about on the ground under birdtables and hedges.
Look for the pinky-white flowers of the dog-rose in summer, and its bright red rosehips in autumn. It is a scrambling shrub of hedgerows, woodlands and grasslands.