Jelly ear
As the name suggests, this fungus looks uncannily like an ear!
As the name suggests, this fungus looks uncannily like an ear!
The umbrella-like clusters of white, frothy flowers of cow parsley are a familiar sight along roadsides, hedgerows and woodland edges.
Enchanter's nightshade is a hairy plant, with rounded leaves that taper to a fine tip, and clusters of small, pinky-white flowers in summer.
Lisa's new monthly blog will help you develop a new superpower - to find the patterns in nature. Today's activity is all about christmas!
Set up a ‘nectar café’ by planting flowers for pollinating insects like bees and butterflies
The puss moth is a large and fluffy moth, with a very strange looking caterpillar.
Petty spurge is found on cultivated ground, such as gardens, fields and waste ground. It displays cup-shaped, green flowers in clusters and oval, green leaves.