Rosemary beetle
This beautiful beetle only arrived in the UK in 1960s but is now a common sight on garden herbs.
This beautiful beetle only arrived in the UK in 1960s but is now a common sight on garden herbs.
This big, beautiful fungus is a common one that can often be spotted popping out of trees.
This beautiful bumblebee favours upland areas, but has declined in recent decades and is now nationally scarce.
This beautiful beetle is fond of damp meadows and woodland rides, where it's often found on umbellifers or thistles.
A strikingly beautiful fish, it is not hard to see where the ‘red’ mullet gets its name from!
Also known as the two-coloured mason bee, this beautiful bee is famous for nesting in old snail shells.
This beautiful moth is often found resting on leaves, though it does also fly during the day.
These mysterious and beautiful creatures rely on warm ocean currents to ‘sail’ them around the world... not a bad life?
One of the longest seaweeds native to the UK, thongweed helps create a beautiful underwater forest to rival that of any on the land!
As the name suggests, this beautiful brown butterfly is most common in Scotland, though it can also be seen in northern England.
The undulate ray has beautiful wavy patterns on its back, which helps it camouflage against the sandy seabed.