Dead man's fingers by Chris Lawrence
Number 6 - Dead man's fingers
These black, swollen fingers reach out of the ground appearing as if they're reaching out from the grave! You'll see them poking up through moss and deadwood.

Weeping widow by Ali Mckernan
Number 5 - Weeping widow
The name comes from the black, watery droplets that it produces - as if it's shedding black tears!

Elfin saddle by Ali Mckernan
Number 4 - Elfin saddle
Ghost meets skeleton! The stems are grey or brown and contain inner chambers. The caps often distort, creating an even more haunting look!

Collared earthstar by Ali Mckernan
Number 3 - Collared earthstar
These freaky eyeball-like beings pop-up in woodlands amongst the leaf litter. You never know what's watching you on a woodland walk...

Purple jellydisc fungus by Kimberley Louise
Number 2 - Purple jellydisc fungus
It looks like a brain! Fairly common, this freaky fungus grows on the rotting wood of deciduous trees.

Devil's fingers by Anita Godwin
Number 1 - Devil's fingers
The most terrifying fungus out there! The devil’s fingers fungus hatches from a slimy, gelatinous ‘egg’. As it grows, the tentacle-like arms start to protrude...