Seven armed starfish

Seven armed starfish

Seven armed starfish by Paul Naylor

Seven armed starfish

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Brittle stars, sea urchins and other starfish will want to stay out of the way of this speedy carnivorous starfish!

Scientific name

Luidia ciliaris

When to see

April to October

Top facts


Typically up to 40cm but can reach 60cm across


The seven armed starfish likes to eat other starfish, brittle stars and urchins. Their seven arms allow them to move surprisingly quickly across the sea floor.

What to look for

Orange all over the body and seven arms. Arms are long, soft and only get thinner towards the tips. Obvious white spines run around the edge of each arm.

Where to find

Found around the UK except for South East England

Did you know?

An adult seven armed starfish can produce over 200 million eggs in a year. Only a tiny fraction will likely survive.