Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth

Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth

©Margaret Holland

Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth

©Derek Moore

The caterpillar of a broad-bordered bee hawk-moth climbing a honeysuckle stem. It's a green caterpillar with white lines and red dots

Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth caterpillar © Tom Hibbert

Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth

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The broad-bordered bee hawk-moth does, indeed, look like a bee! A scarce moth, mainly of Central and Southern England, it feeds on the wing and can be seen during spring and summer.

Scientific name

Hemaris fuciformis

When to see

May to August

Top facts


Wingspan: 4.0-4.8cm


The broad-bordered bee hawk-moth is a large, day-flying moth of open woodlands and clearings. It is a relatively scarce species, with a restricted distribution, but has strongholds in East Anglia and Lincolnshire. The adult is on the wing from May to July, and feeds while flying on flowers like wild honeysuckle and snowberry. So-named for its resemblance to a bumblebee, it is far more agile and much larger. The caterpillars, which feed on honeysuckle, appear from June to August and overwinter as pupae below the ground.

What to look for

The broad-bordered bee hawk-moth does look a bit like a bumblebee. It has reddish-brown bands across its golden abdomen that can change to black as the hairs wear off. It also has reddish bands on its translucent forewings and long, clubbed antennae.

Where to find

Mainly found in Southern and Central England, scattered distribution elsewhere.

Did you know?

The broad-bordered bee hawk-moth looks similar to the narrow-bordered bee hawk-moth, but, as its name suggests, has a broader dark band on the edge of its forewings.