National Marine Week


National Marine Week 2023

Dive into our mysterious underwater world with The Wildlife Trusts' annual celebration of all things marine! National Marine Week is now over for 2023, but don't worry, we'll be back next year! You can still find out about our magnificent seas below as well as some of the mysterious creatures that live there.

We owe so much to our seas. Our marine areas are key to tackling climate change and have also had an enormous cultural impact on society. Our rocky coastlines, sandy beaches and sublime seas are wonderful places to explore. It's no surprise that throughout history this fascinating habitat has inspired many a storyteller, artist and poet, making our lives all the richer.

You may have spotted that National Marine Week actually lasts longer than a week. This is so we can make the most of the different tide times around the country.

For 2023, we focused on the unsung heroes of the marine world. These are species you might not have known we get in the UK, some you might not have ever heard of before. Scroll down to learn about them!



Meet our mysterious marine life

Activities to do at home

Why not try some fun marine-themed activities? There are spotting sheets, colouring in and even crafts to try. Let us know how you get on!

Rockpool detective spotting sheet

Shoreline detective spotting sheet

Make an egg carton crab

Seabird detective spotting sheet

Marine animal spotting sheet

How to go rockpooling

Seahorse colouring in sheet

Love it, protect it!

The marine environment around the UK is alive with corals, seahorses, whales, dolphins, seals and sharks! Marine habitats include undersea cliffs, caves, chasms, mountains, dunes and plains. Our seas are home to thousands of creatures and plants but in many areas they are threatened by damaging activities. These include building, fishing and plastics. We need to make sure our wonderful marine environment is given the proper protection it deserves!

What can I do to help?

Bottle basking shark video

How to make a bottle basking shark

Watch the video
Lions Mane Jelly

Alexander Mustard/2020VISION

How to make a nature table

How to make a nature table

Watch the video