You will need:

- 4 wooden pallets
- bricks
- plastic bottles

- bamboo canes, straw and leaves
- old tiles
- recycled cardboard

- stones or pebbles
- twigs and loose bark
What to do

1. place a wooden pallet in your chosen location. On top of the pallet, line bricks around the corners and across the middle

2. place your next pallet on top of this and repeat the process until they are all used up

3. cut off the top two thirds of your bottles. Fill up half of them with bamboo canes and the other half with rolled up cardboard. Place these inside the hotel with the opening facing outwards

4. fill in the remaining spaces with bricks, leaves, pebbles, stones, tiles, loose bark and straw. These are all hidey-holes for the invertebrates

5. add in any extra materials that you want to recycle such as old pipes, carpeting, toilet tubes, old plant pots etc. Be creative - add a welcome sign or give your hotel a name!