How to make a bird feeder
You will need:
- Dry ingredients for the birds to eat: you could try a mix of bird seed, cooked rice, grated cheese, dried fruit, breadcrumbs or chopped nuts
- Hard cooking fat (lard or suet)
- A pine cone, coconut shell or yoghurt pot (use an old yoghurt pot that has been rinsed out and recycle it after you've finished with it)
- String

What to do

1. Mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl
2. Add the fat and give it a good mix around until combined (if you need to melt the fat, ask an adult for help)

3. If you have chosen a pine cone, smother the mixture all over it; or if using a coconut shell or yoghurt pot fill the inside with the mixture
4. Hang your feeders with string, or if using a yoghurt pot as a mould, pop it out and leave on a bird table.

Adrian Clarke