Make a bird feeder
Make a bird feeder and see who comes to visit your garden!
Make a bird feeder and see who comes to visit your garden!
Bugs and insects love little holes and dark places to hide in!
Your insect hotel will create habitats for bees, spiders, woodlice and more.
Grow all sorts of vegetables and flowers up this cool wigwam!
Build your own nest box and see who moves in!
Hedgehogs need somewhere warm and dry to snuggle down over winter.
Ponds are great for wildlife! Create a home for damselflies, frogs and toads.
Have a go at making a shelter in the woods.
Make sure our prickly friends have room to roam!
Create space for visitors in your garden with these!
Got a suitable spot? Why not try building a bat box!
Make a cosy home for some of your buzzing friends!
View birds close up by making your own hide.
Have a go at making this to float on water.
Capture footprints with this tunnel!
Study wind direction with a vane.
Welcome lots of different types of beetles in by building your own beetle bank
Build a home for amphibians and reptiles!
Get more prickly friends in your garden!