Search using the buttons above - there are spotter sheets, activities guides, masks to make and much more!


Pine cone creatures

Pine cone creatures

Why not get creative and craft your own pine cone critters! 

mushroom spore print updated

Mushroom spore print

Turn spores into artwork with this FUNgi craft

Musical rain stick

Make a musical rain stick

Recreate the sound of the rain with your very own instrument!

Apple bird feeder

Apple bird feeder

Try this simple bird feeder for garden visitors!

Blow forest

Blow your own forest

Make awesome patterns and get crafty with a fun blow forest.

Fake fossils

Make fake fossils

Fossilise your favourite nature finds with this easy guide.

Grow your own oak

Grow your own oak tree

Even the mightiest oak starts with a tiny acorn!

Cleaning bird feeders

How to clean bird feeders

Keep bird feeders clean with these simple steps

Leaf skeletons

How to make leaf skeletons

Preserve nature's patterns with this nifty leaf craft!

Glitter-free snow globe

Make a glitter-free snowglobe

0% glitter, 100% festive!

Pine cone tree

Make a pinecone tree

Make this mini tree as a gift or Christmas decoration!

wildlife yoga

How to do wildlife yoga

Try these wild poses at home!

Bird hide

How to make a bird hide

View birds close up by making your own hide.

Help birds avoid windows

Help birds avoid windows

Use your craft skills to help birds avoid windows.

birds nest

Build a bird's nest

Craft your own bird nest with nature finds.

Ground-feeding birds

Feeding ground-feeding birds

Some birds prefer their food on the ground!

Plaster casting

How to go plaster casting

Plaster cast an animal footprint!

Dandelion tea

Make dandelion tea

Make this between March and June!

make a dragonfly

Make a dragonfly

Get crafty with this make!

nectar bar

Make a nectar bar

Perfect for pollinators!

nature treasure chest

Make a treasure chest

Keep your natural treasures in here!

Edible pond

Make an edible pond

Recreate pondlife in the kitchen!

Glow worm

Make a glow worm

Try this fab wildlife creation!

Mini meadow

Grow a mini meadow

Beautiful and great for wildlife

Model butterfly

Make a model butterfly

Bring your favourite butterfly to life!

Natural dyes

Make natural dyes

Harness the power of nature!

nettle soup

Make nettle soup

Have you tried it before?

pond dipping net

Make a pond dipping net

Reuse and recycle for this one!